Elizabeth Cichocki
Elizabeth Cichocki
Interim Co-Pastor and Certified Medium
Elizabeth Cichocki (pronounced Cha-hut-ski). Interim Co-Pastor She was born with abilities and enhanced her amazing skills after attending the Church of the Spirit and their classes. Elizabeth has experience with Reiki, Barbara Brennen Healing, Breathwork, and is currently a Clairvoyant, and Healing Energy practitioner. Elizabeth is available for readings and energy healings at Dsj54mnj@yahoo.com. Reservation In-Person or through ZOOM. Zoom information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85341518912?pwd=RzkvTGtwNnpVNnRKSExCNktVUTdodz09 Meeting ID: 853 4151 8912 Passcode: 532119 *The Spirit Fest Zoom link is the Sunday Service Zoom link. Once logged in you will be placed in a room with your medium. **Please sign in at least 5 minutes before your scheduled reading time.
Cancellation Policy
Legal Disclaimer: These reading are for entertainment purposes only. Mediums do not provide life advice or medical advice. Spiritualists believe everyone has free will. Mediums do not diagnose or prescribe, if you are having a medical issue, please seek the care of a medical professional. Cancelation Policy: Reading payments are a donation to the church and not subject to refund if you are unable to make the reserved time.
Reading Location
Church of the Spirit 2651 North Central Park Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647, USA